Let's Stay Connected

2019 In Review

As we enter the second day of the year, and the freshness of a new decade, I can’t help but think back to some of the memories that have shaped me the most over this past year. I think of the times where I have been bruised and broken-hearted. I go back to the moments like the day my doctor told me I probably wouldn’t have children without IVF or adoption, or all the months I believed I was pregnant just to have my period arrive on schedule.

I go back to the times I was wrapped in fear, and I see myself, the girl that thought she could never handle another letdown, needle, or procedure somehow overcome it. I look back and I see the days where I couldn’t see the light in anything, only to now see that through the darkness, there has always been a light. I go back to these moments to remind myself of these lessons. When life brought its storms, I can see my strength, and I know now that when the rain clears, there will be another rainbow.

Infertility has been a great hardship, but it has shaped me and has given me my strength to persevere through any obstacle. I know there will be more mountains to climb in the future, but I also know I’ve got this. I trust that 2020 will be an exceptional year filled with wonder, hope, and magic. Sending love, strength, and happiness to you all.  Cheers to a year filled with endless miracles and possibilities. ♡

Happy New Year

About Tara

I’m a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and soon-to-be holistic nutritionist living in Denver, CO. I love sharing nutrition information, infertility encouragement, as well as plant-based and gluten-free eats to support fertility and vitality. Follow my infertility journey, and join me as I navigate the world of fertility assistance, adoption, and natural fertility and healing.

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