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Our Infertility Story

I never imagined I would be a member of this select group of brave men and women, but here I am. My story began in 2016 when my husband and I started trying in hopes of growing our family. We didn’t put too much pressure on conception as we have always wanted our babies to come in divine timing.

Months went by and there were no signs of pregnancy, but we didn’t give up hope. So, I improved my health, and I made drastic changes to my lifestyle to prepare my body, mind, and spirit for pregnancy. I left my career to maintain low-stress levels, and I enrolled in educational programs to learn about hormones, fertility, and natural healing. We worked with functional medicine doctors, gynecologists, and alternative practitioners to get to the bottom of our mystery. I started temping, charting, and monitoring my ovulation. We read books, and we listened to all the experts. But, even through all the efforts, pregnancy never occurred.

My gut was telling me something wasn’t right, but I didn’t want to believe my intuition. I started to believe that once we settled down, got that new job or better home that a baby would come into our lives. I’d wander in daydreams thinking about potential pregnancy announcements, due dates, and timelines; just waiting for it to be our turn, but that turn never came.

The Diagnosis

After nearly three years of negative pregnancy tests, we finally received some answers. Doctors believe I have a condition called Endometriosis, or Endo. Endometriosis is a disease that affects 1 in 10 women and up to 50% of all infertility cases. Doctors gave me a 1% chance of ever conceiving without medical intervention…

During these last few months, I have kept a low profile to allow myself time to heal over the shock of our recent news. We have spent this past summer learning everything we can about infertility and Endometriosis. We have interviewed nearly a dozen specialists, and had countless tests and other scans to prepare for surgery.

Although this diagnosis has brought us pain, we remain hopeful. We feel incredibly grateful for our overall health and vitality.

Keeping Quiet

I know this news may come as a shock to some of you. But, my husband and I decided to keep this struggle to ourselves until recently. Talking about infertility was uncomfortable and we had a difficult time opening up about our struggle.

However, once we opened up, we gained support from family, friends, and even strangers. We have been overwhelmed by the kindness of others who have learned about our struggle to become parents and have opened their hearts to us. We feel so grateful to these individuals who have taken the time to share their stories of hope with us.

Moving Forward

We know the road to our little ones will be harder than we imagined. But, we have faith. No matter how our babies come into our lives, they will be loved beyond measure.

In the meantime, we continue to wait and pray for our little miracles. I invite you to follow us along on our journey to parenthood!

A Note to the Mama in Waiting

My heart is with you. Please know you are not alone. I am here for you if you have any questions or if you just want to talk, cry, vent, and dream together. E-mail me, leave a comment, call me…whatever you need. I am here with you on this journey.

About Tara

I’m a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and soon-to-be holistic nutritionist living in Denver, CO. I love sharing nutrition information, infertility encouragement, as well as plant-based and gluten-free eats to support fertility and vitality. Follow my infertility journey, and join me as I navigate the world of fertility assistance, adoption, and natural fertility and healing.

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