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What to Pack for Endometriosis Surgery

Are you preparing for Endometriosis excision surgery? Are you wondering what to pack for the hospital and questioning what you will need for recovery? Me too! 

I spent months interviewing women who have already had the surgery, so I put together a go-to list in hopes it will help you prepare for your procedure. I will continue to add to the packing list after my surgery, which is in just a few days. Check back soon for links to what I packed and used during surgery and recovery. 

Packing List for the hospital:

  1. Health histories, important test results, and paperwork 
    1. I keep mine in a binder, so I have all my important information with me in one place at all times
    2. Include a list of important appointments 
      1. bring phone numbers, addresses, etc. 
  2. List of questions for the doctors 
    1. Share this information with a trusted family member or friend, so if you are unable to ask questions after surgery, they can be there to do it on your behalf
  3. Comfortable clothes:
    1. Nightgowns or maxi dresses
    2. High-Rise leggings (but not too high because you will most likely have an incision in your belly button) 
    3. Low-Rise leggings (you may need both depending on the location of your incisions and what you find most comfortable)
    4. I packed a pair of jeans 2-sizes too big (you can never have too many back-ups) 
      1. Many women also recommend maternity pants 
  4. Underwear (bring your regular pair and a size bigger, too)
  5. Comfortable bras
  6. Cozy socks 
  7. Sweater or jacket
  8. Slip-on slippers
  9. Robe
  10. Long, overnight pads for bleeding 
  11. Inspirational playlist
  12. Meditations and other inspiring quotes, affirmations, and books 
  13. Comfortable shoes 
  14. Lotion
  15. Chapstick 
  16. Toothbrush + toothpaste 
  17. Hairbrush + hair tyes + headband 
  18. Dry Shampoo
  19. Extra clothes, make-up and any other personal needs

What to have with you in the car after surgery:

  1. Blanket
  2. Water Bottle
  3. Pillow for your incisions 
  4. Lose/Comfortable Clothing 
  5. Vomit bucket (don’t forget this one, my friends)

What to have with you in your home or hotel room after surgery:

  1. Recommended medications from your doctor like prescription drugs
  2. Other medications (always get approval from your doctor first) 
    1. Advil 
    2. CBD oil 
    3. Herbal teas and other remedies 
  3. Shoulder heating pad
  4. Abdominal heating pad 
  5. Bandages + wound cream 
  6. Herbs to support gas, bloating, and constipation  
  7. Ginger chews for nausea 
  8. Peppermint tea and aromatherapy for nausea 
  9. Variety of teas to support healing 
  10. Kindle
  11. Books
  12. Word searches, puzzles, and other games
  13. Journal + pen 
  14. Headphones
  15. Chargers 
  16. Laptop 
  17. Phone 
  18. Food + Snacks
    1. Try soft snacks first like apple sauce, banana, broth, etc. 
    2. Stock up on foods that support healthy bowel movements like apples, prunes, chia seeds, kiwi, and other fiber-rich foods
  19. Thermometer 
  20. Approved supplements 

Things to Do Before Surgery:

  1. Call the hospital and your insurance company for information on expected costs
    1. Your doctor should provide you with a reference code to give to your insurance company. This makes it easy for them to find out what your expected costs will be after surgery
    2. Check to see if your insurance company has umbrella coverage
      1. This means that if your doctor and your hospital is in-network, your insurance *should* cover anyone else who may see you who is NOT in your network. For example the anesthesiologist or pathologist
        1. My insurance representative explained to me that there is no way for me to keep track of everyone supporting me in my care, so umbrella coverage takes care of that for you  
  2. Create a list of questions to go over with your doctor for pre-op and post-op 
  3. Make your recovery plans. Will you be having surgery near your home or will you be traveling? 
  4. Make travel arrangements (if necessary) 
    1. Flights, rental car, someone to drive you, etc
    2. Call your airline to get wheelchair assistance for your travel home after surgery, if needed 
      1. Southwest Airlines is fantastic. You and one other travel guest will also be able to pre-board without an extra cost. Southwest does curbside assistance from airport to airport for no additional fee
  5. Stock up on food, groceries, and snacks 
  6. Make arrangements for a house-sitter (if traveling out-of-state)
  7. Make arrangements for your pets
  8. Pay or schedule all of your bills ahead of time (don’t forget to budget, too)
  9. Look ahead to your calendar by at least two weeks and plan for what needs to be completed before surgery
  10. Pick up anything off the floor that you will need access to after surgery. Example: I keep my cat food on the floor. I picked it up and left it on the counter instead. Be prepared to be unable to bend down for awhile
  11. Clean your home or do any other chores that you imagine you’d like done before your procedure (so you don’t have to worry about it later)
    1. Take out trash + recycling
    2. Check Mail
    3. Water Plants
    4. Laundry
    5. Vacuum etc.
  12. Tell your employer that you will be unavailable to work while you recover 
    1. Fill out any FMLA forms, if needed 

Please share your recommendations below and check back often for new suggestions added to the list. Happy healing!

About Tara

I’m a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and soon-to-be holistic nutritionist living in Denver, CO. I love sharing nutrition information, infertility encouragement, as well as plant-based and gluten-free eats to support fertility and vitality. Follow my infertility journey, and join me as I navigate the world of fertility assistance, adoption, and natural fertility and healing.

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